Level 1
The first level is the Foundation Level, which allows the student to gain experience in the system through using Reiki as an energy-healing therapy for themselves, family, and friends. It also provides an opportunity to start exploring Reiki as a powerful personal spiritual development practice.
The 1st Level initiation is given. Guidance is given on basic mindfulness meditation and how to integrate this into a hands-on healing context. The Six Point Meditation (a simplification of the Buddho meditation) is introduced which enhances the flow of energy and helps bring stillness and awareness of energy to the mind. The importance of meditation whilst engaging in energy healing is discussed. A simple qigong method called The Seven Purifying and Strengthening Breaths is introduced.
Level 2
The second level is the Professional Practitioner Level which allows students to take on clients for a fee and provides more extensive guidance on Reiki as a personal spiritual development practice.
The 2nd Level initiation is given. At this level, Reiki treatments can also be done at a distance. Further guidance is given on mindfulness meditation. The three traditional Reiki symbols are introduced as meditation objects. Methods are also taught to enable the student to increase the flow of energy through the use of the symbols and thus its effectiveness in an energy-healing context. Working with Reiki on marma points is introduced. This is a powerful and sophisticated approach to Reiki treatments that does not exist in other forms of Reiki and sets Reiki Jin Kei Do apart from other variations of the system,
Level 3
The third level is the Master's Level and is for those who wish to go on to teach Reiki to others.
The 3rd Level initiation is given. Guidance is then given on how to conduct the initiations for Levels 1, 2, and 3 with extensive practice of these processes. Further, detailed guidance is given on mindfulness meditation and its place within the Reiki system. The fourth traditional Reiki symbol is introduced with information on its use as a meditation object and as an aid in self-applications of Reiki and the initiation process. The emphasis at this level is quality and integrity and the development of compassion and wisdom within the prospective Reiki teacher.
Level 3 is generally broken down into three distinct parts: Part A, the beginning of the journey into becoming a Reiki teacher, extends the self-development work of the 2nd Level as well as introducing further ways of working with marma points in a healing context. Further meditation practice is introduced. Part B is devoted entirely to learning the initiation processes for Levels 1 and 2. This part of Level 3 can take several months to complete as there is extensive self-study work to ensure that you become the best Reiki Master possible. In Part C the initiation process for new Reiki teachers is taught.
The division of Level 3 into three parts does not constitute official 'mini levels' within the tradition of Reiki Jin Kei Do but is given simply to ease the path for students through this extensive training programme.