Reiki Jin Kei Do 3A
Places Available
Course Outline
Do you want to be a Reiki Master and pass on your knowledge and experience of Reiki to others? Or perhaps you've taken level 2 and want to continue your journey, but are not ready or interested in committing to teaching others? Reiki 3 (A) is the first part of the Master's training - the non-teaching part - split off from the rest of the Master's training so that those who want to continue their journey without the commitment to teaching, can do so. Of course, if you do want to teach Reiki, then this is where you start also! The start of the Master’s training covers all the personal self-development material contained within the teaching level as well as extensive engagements with methods to boost your abilities with Reiki as a therapy. Included: Further exploration of the history of Reiki and the Lineage of Reiki Jin Kei Do. The Master attunement is given which increases the vibration of all seven major chakras. A deeper look into the nature of spirituality and a personal commitment to this journey. Master's level meditation instruction is given utilizing the body’s subtle energy system. Additional self-treatment positions are taught. Marma point work is extended based on what you learned at Reiki level 2. The deeper meaning of the 2nd Degree symbols is covered along with a deeper exploration of their use in meditation. The Master symbol is given along with its meaning and use for personal healing and spiritual growth. Four special breathing methods are taught to increase sensitivity to energy flow and to increase energy focus. These prepare the student for the work of Stage Two (3B) in the giving of attunements to others. MindCheck Level 3. Extra meditation methods are given to support vipassana practice: Standing, walking, and sitting meditation. Brahma vihara meditation practice is introduced. The Master's attunement in Reiki Jin Kei Do is a lengthy, deep, and powerful process, which lasts for about 45 minutes. The class will of course be recorded, so you will have access to this after the training. Reiki Jin Kei Do 3 (A) is the entry requirement for Buddho 3 (A). For my students in Egypt, please message me personally for rates and how to pay in EGP.

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Cancellation Policy
Courses: If you give me at least 7 days' notice of your need to cancel, a refund will be made minus a 25% booking deposit. If you do not cancel with at least 7 days' notice, you will lose any payments you have already made.